Daily Prayers.
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (Monday on ZOOM) all are welcome to our time of worship and prayer. We also have an 8.30am prayer meeting on Friday generally in the church lounge.
Sunday Gatherings and House Groups.
Each Sunday at 10.30am we gather to worship, have fun, encourage each other as well as eat, drink and be an extended family. Come and join the community!
Each week various house groups meet in the area. Most of the church are in one! These are a special place to belong beyond a Sunday, somewhere to have space to get to know people, laugh, pray and encourage one other. Contact us to be introduced to leaders of the groups to find the best one for you.
Youth, Children’s and Tots.
Every week in term time we have a children’s Mega Club and a youth group. Mega Club is for years 3-6 on a Friday 5.30 to 7.00, and youth group is for year 7 plus, 7.30 to 9.00. Parents and Tots is for under 5’s on a Tuesday 10am-11:30am.
Sports Night, Open Door and Cafe.
On Tuesday we run a Sports Night including badminton, pool, table tennis and some leisurely games (such as Rummikub) from 7 till 10pm.
Café is open on Wednesday morning 9 to 11:30am.
Open Door (for more mature folk) is on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00pm during term time.
Women’s Wellbeing is on Fridays 9 to 11am during term time . All welcome.

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